

Oh boy are there some changes going on around here! I have always been one that was afraid of change, I always ordered the same thing at restaurants, I kept my hair the same, my sense of style was the same (for many years) I listened to the same music..Same Same Same...pretty boring right. So one day I decided to change. I did a complete 180, different hair, different music, different clothes, different shoes, different make up, different friends, different me. I went from being a person that was comfortable with the familiar to someone that was so wishy washy. I changed my mind every second. I did not understand the importance of having a healthy balance and because of that I caused so much grief and trouble. I can't go back and change the things I have done but (i know this sounds CHEESY) I can learn from the mistakes I have made. In my adult life I have learned to compromise. I have learned to accept change with a grain of salt. I remember growing up at my old church there was a lot of change going on at one point in time. People we not sure what to do, some back slid, some stepped up and some just stood on the side lines. But one thing that stuck out to me was our motto
1. Healthy things grow.

2. Growing things change.

3. Changing things challenge us.

4. Challenge forces us to trust God.

5. Trust leads to obedience.

6. Obedience makes us healthy.

7. Healthy things grow.

Ain't that the truth. I have held on dear to this passage and it has helped me learn to balance and accept change in my life. As I mentioned earlier a lot of CHANGE is going on in my life and I am accepting it whole heartily because I know that change brings growth. But man when change comes there is challenge. I know people may not understand why I do the things I do but I have learned not to make decisions out of hurt or anger. I meditate on the issue first then decide which path I should take. James 1:8 says "he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does". That is so true, that was me and I refuse to go back to that. I need to take a stand for what is right and for what I believe in. I need to allow these changes I face to help me grow as a wife, mother, daughter and friend. I need to pass this on to my children in hopes that they will not do what I did and they would face change and challenge with hope and confidence.

xo, chris

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