
Viva las Vegas

Since we had Jasmine & Nicholas over summer we wanted to take them on a trip, not too far and not too expensive. Comicon was going on in San in Diego so it was impossible to get a room and Santa Barbara was too much traffic because the 405 closure. So after much thought and thanks to the Killers (Art was on a killers kick that week) we chose Las Vegas. I know what your thinking, YES  we did. We took them on a lil trip to Las Vegas. My little sister also joined us.

1st Stop Whisky Petes. We arrived to Primm about 1:30 am. The kids LOVED the lights and were so excited. They knew since we drove so far we must be some place good. These kids sure got a second wind and did not go to bed until 3am.

Our little Mason was in awe of the view. The weather was beautiful and we were very happy to be away as a family.
Of course the 3 older ones thought they were in the worlds biggest arcade.. They posed for this picture and as we were leaving I hear "ding ding ding"... I look back to see Nico had rang the slot (there must have been $ from before) and won $1.

I know Las Vegas can be over rated but at one Point in Time is was "Fabulous" . Las Vegas, NV has so much history and is know world wide.  If Jasmin and Nico never leave the state of Washington again, they can always say "I've been to Las Vegas".

 2nd Stop Circus Circus. Our plan for the day to to take the kids to the Adventure Dome in Circus Circus. This trip was about family time and boy did we all enjoy the Adventure dome. We went on almost all the rides, it was great for all ages.

The little riders even enjoyed the "roller coaster".. Dustin and Nico were so proud they conquered this ride.

Ok, this ride was by far the "scariest" Circus Circus had to offer. Jasmine was just about crying as she waited in line. I could hear her whispering to herself "I can do, I can do it". lol.  Boy did she do it! She was this tiny lil thing (in the middle) and kept a straight face. She was such a brave lil girl!

After spending the entire day with the kids, we put them down for a late nap and my sister watched them so Art & I could have a date. We caught a comedy show at the Riviera. The show was funny, but mostly it was nice to have time alone with my husband.
We  returned back to our hotel grabbed the kids and took them for a walk along the bridges of the strip!

I haven't seen kids this happy in a long time. The cool air felt so refreshing, this night walk was like a breathe of fresh air for all of us!

We came about from our walk and went to bed. We decided to spend our last day by the pool. It was so relaxing, no stress, no arguing, just plain ole family fun!

When Nico first lived with us as a baby he was terrified of water. He was traumatized by an event that happened to him as an infant. By the time he left us at 2 1/2 he LOVED the water and was able to swim :) Of course this time around he was the same way as when he was a baby. I decided to teach him ho to swim again, he was so unhappy. But after an hour it came back to him and I am so proud to say by the time we left Las Vegas Nico was able to swim :)

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