
Tangled Talk Tuesday

This week I want to talk Tangled with you. Yes, like the movie. Our good friend Crystal (aks LONK) lent us megamind and tangled. Dustin LOVES both of those movies, he watches them at least once every other day. So I was not surprised that he was picking up a lot of words he recognized from the movie. But I was suprised at how he integrated those words into everday vocab.

His favorite is "I have a dream"...He will sing that all day long, its adorable. The best part was when my grandma bought him krispy kreme donughts he took one bite and said "Mommy dis dohnut like a dream"
He will also pick up our coffee mugs and swing it with his elbows bent singins "I have a dream, you have a dream"

 Another phrase he loves is "I keep it my promise" Rapunzel calles her mom "Mother". Lately whenever I call Dustin he say "Yes Muhder, What you wan Muhder". I can't help but crack up. We have been working on potty training and Dustin always says "I neber break it my promise mommy, I keep it my promise"..

Today as we were counting money he said "7,69, I trying my best muhder" I just love him and all of his words!!

Funny Phrases:
I crack it my toe
I not working
I not ready (about going in the toilet)
Div it back
Div it me please
ssat? (trying to say whats that?)
I make it silly faces mommy :D
Daddo, sit down now, eat it denner
Sheesh name Amen pray

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