
Mason is 6 months old

We have been blessed  these last 6 months with our precious Mason. He is such a joy to be around and is such a happy baby. He differs alot from Dustin at this age, but I know each child is different. Mason cannot crawl but boy can he roll. lol. He follows sound, grabs small objects, laughs, passes things from one had to the next, and plays. plays, plays!
 Mason has 4 teeth now. 2 on the bottom and 2 on top. You can usually catch him with his finger like this, trying to ease his lil gums.
 His feets are his favorite toy! I love his little toes and I am glad they make him happy :)
                                                  Happy Baby!

 I see you !! Whenever Mason gets excited he makes this face!

 So Dreamy! He is recovering well from his surgery and in my opion Looking great!

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