
Toddler Talk Tuesday

Welcome to Toddler Talk Tuesdays. Tuesday will be a day where I write about my experience it Toddler Land. I'm linking up with Kristen at Rock A Bow , she is doing Toddler Talk Tuesday!. You should link up also if you'd like to share you ever changing experience in Toddler Land.

I want to share something I heard  from Toni Morrison she asked a question that really hit my heart "Does your face light up every time your child walks in the room" I had to think about it and my answer was no. sometimes I am so rushed because we need to leave or I am trying to clean or tend to mason. One of the ways I care for my children is by making sure they are happy and well taken care of. But to children that doesn't mean much to them. They see how we feel by our expressions. I have made a commitment to light up with the biggest cheesiest smile whenever my children walk in the room. Even when he is calling me to his room at 6 in the morning. I take a few minutes to gather myself, I go in and great him so he know he makes his mommy happy.

Yesterday I took Dustin to see Twinkles the clown. It was a beautiful day out and he scored a pair of Roxy glasses. Dustin is just like his dad, he LOVES hats, sunglasses and shoes. All genres he will not discriminate. That really goes to show that our children do watch us closely :)

Dustin loves the rain, but unfortunately we had to change our plans. It's important to keep him entertained so I decided to bake "pupcakes" with him. But first I had to try and get my sandals off of his little feet. lol

While taking a break from cupcakes Dustin decided he would sneak some pictures. I had no idea he took these until right now when i went to upload I see about 5 of these pictures.
 He was such a great help in the kitchen. he was very patient and anxious to eat his "pup cake". Whenever I would take a bit longer doing something he would say "Share mommy, my turn"

 My toddler is so brave, braver than I ever was. Over the weekend we went to Boomers for Arts company picnic. Of course Dustin wanted to participate in the water games, so as mommy I had to step into toddler like and play like a child. Our team won. It was great fun and I am glad I put my adult cap down, and enjoyed this moment with my child.
 Dustin also wanted to go on this big kid ride. I could not handle it because I HATE rides, my stomach is so week. I don't like showing my fear because I want my children to know they can do anything. Art was brave enough to go on with Dustin and half way through the ride my brave lil boy was screaming "I no like it, not nice...PLEASE" I could not help myself from laughing. But that little boy of mine stuck out the whole ride and when it was finished he ran right up to go on again.
 Me and Dustin were able to spend quality time on the carousel. It was a fun time for us. I love seeing my kids smile.

 I love being able to spend everyday with my children. I have to admit Toddler Land is a lot more challenging then I had ever imagined, but the reward is so worth the "werk".


  1. My daughter calls them "Pupcakes" as well! So cute!

  2. What a great reminder that we need to light up for our children. Thank you for sharing.


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