
Play Ball!!

In our home we are huge baseball fans. Our team of choice is the Anaheim Angels. We started taking Dustin to ball games as soon as we were able to leave the house. It's no wonder why he loves "bay bahl"
We took Dustin to his first game when he was just 2 months old.
Since then baseball games are always on our family's 'things to do list'.
Dustin's first out of town game was at Chase Field in Arizona against the Diamond Backs. He was able to get autographs from Bobby Abreu, Dino Ebel, & Matt Palmer, to name a few.
His next out of town was in September 2009 at Fenway Park in Boston, MA. We all had a great time and enjoyed our experience there. Dustin got autographs from Kendry Morales and Jared Weaver, we also got a game ball from one of the field workers, Benji. We actually met him earlier that day on the T (subway).
We finally got my niece Annalise to go to her first Angels game. Her family are Dodgers fans, so it was fun to put her in our colors. From the looks of it she is not happy but her and Dustin had a great time cheering and eating candy
We were fortunate enough to go to the 2010 All Star Fan Fest as Well as the Home run Derby
Baseball will always have a special place in my heart because it is something that has brought our family joy and memories that will last a life time :)
x0 chris

Baby Mason

Most of you know I am about 7 months pregnant with another son. We will name him Mason. We haven't figured out a middle name and are open to suggestions :)
Finding out we were actually pregnant was like a dream come true. If you read the blog about building my family, you know all the issues we have with pregnancy. When Art and I were in our fantasy world we decided we wanted our kids close in age, so they would grow up close. After I was blessed with Dustin, I didn't think I would have another child, especially not so soon. Art was really wanting another child and I was warming up to the idea with caution, I did not want to be disappointed and hurt.
Around Febuary or March our church took an offering for chairs. They asked to purchase a chair for each member in your family. Well God put it on Art's heart to buy 4, I was like HELLO babe there is only 3 of us! He told me he was just being obedient.
In April Art was on a mission's in the Philippines, I found out I was pregnant. WOW!! I was so excited and could not wait to tell him. He was right. being obedient really pays off. When I told him he was so happy he was in tears!! Once we were both home, I made my appointments and was looking forward to a different experience than with Dustin. I just knew this would be the pregnancy I always wanted. Happy, fun, and enjoyable.
We had our first ultrasound on April 15, 2010, by my date I should have been 8 weeks. The dr. could not see the baby. mmmm. That's odd, she said. "There is a sac, but no baby". A week later I went to do a formal ultrasound and guess what "No Baby"... Okay, now I am freaking out. they told me it could be because I was so early in pregnancy, but I told them I saw Dustin at 8 weeks. I went to the Dr. 2 days later and she did not see a baby or a heartbeat, fear took over me, I was so lost. She told me to come back the next day after blood work and we will see if my hormone levels are up. I went back and same thing, no baby no heartbeat, also no test results. She finally told me that she was 99% sure the my body had aborted the baby. I was devastated, I knew this pregnancy was a miracle and God would not take this gift from me. Art comforted me and our family & church family really interceded for us. When I went back 2 days later to discuss my results, she did one last ultrasound to prove the baby was gone, and guess what "THERE WAS A BABY!!! THERE WAS A HEARTBEAT!!!" Joy began to exude from every pore in my body.!! Praise GOD!!! We were thrilled!!!
I had pretty bad morning sickness with this pregnancy, I couldn't even get outta bed. So much for a 'different' pregnancy. Regardless of the sickness, and pain, I was so thrilled to be having this baby.
I went for my formal ultrasound on July 19 and we were going to find out the sex :)
The ultrasound was strictly business, very uncomfortable, and it took a lot longer than normal. I just wanted to know what I was having and get outta there. She brought Art in to tell us the sex but the first thing he asked was "is everything OK, you guys are taking long?". She didn't bother to answer the question. She asked if we were ready to know the sex of the baby... It's a Boy! I was expecting and wanting a girl. Art on the other hand was happy to start his baseball team. A week later I was at a good friends house and I got a phone call from my Dr. I knew something was wrong. She informed me I had placeta previa, and that normally she would not worry, but my placenta was so low, she was afraid it might delivery itself, causing early labor and hemorrhage. I was to go "light duty" to say the least. Then she told me something I was not expecting. She said the ultrasound showed my baby has a Cleft Lip/Pallet. I must have misunderstood her, because I told her that could not be. She told me we would do another ultrasound with a specialist and meet with a genetics counselor. I broke down, "Why, Why God, Why my baby". My friend prayed with me and assured me I would be okay. She entertained Dustin while I called Art & text my mom and close friend to keep the baby in prayer. I decided I would research cleft lip/palate and I was in disbelief that my miracle baby could be born with something like that. Then as I read on I realized how hard it is to feed a baby with a cleft, also the surgeries he would have to endure are numerous. I was lost again. I did the only thing I knew how to do, I prayed and I cried. We went for our follow up ultra sound and sure enough it was confirmed that. The dr. said 2-4% of babies are born defective. DEFECTIVE, like a toy from that store that was made wrong?? REALLY??? How did I make a wrong baby?? I was crushed. I did find out that there was no sign of Placenta Previa :) I was healed from that, and that in itself is a blessing. But my baby my poor baby. Out of everyone in my family I did not poke fun at or tease people. I always defended the under dogs, I always showed loved and acceptance. One time in 7th grade I was mean to a girl, but I was convicted so fast I went to her in tears asking for her foriveness. How would I protect him from mean people, how would I handle seeing him sewed and bloody in arm restraints. How would I help him with his speech and vocabulary, I couldn't. I told my self that this was something I may not be able to handle, because I dont know how to. Meeting with the genetic counselor was a joke. We decided against amneo, because we were not going to abort our son or give him up for adoption. My genetics test were awesome, most women my age have a 1 in 1,000 chance to have a baby with some kind of genetic disorder, my chances were 1 in over 10,ooo. So Why, why me? Slowly Art and I were coming to terms with this, we are believing for a miracle but have decided to educate ourselves as much as possible so than we can be everything Mason needs. My friend April was sharing a with me about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.(Daniel 3) King Nebuchadnezzer wanted them to worship him and his God, when they refused he threatened to throw them in the fiery furnace. The three men were not afraid and they told the King, "Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from he fiery furnace". They told him that even thought their God was capable of saving them and chose not to they would still praise him. I realized that my god is able to heal my baby and if he doesn't I will still praise him. I know that he will not give me more than I can handle and that he will give me the strength i need to endure this. I looked at my situation in a whole new light. I remembered that God had already brought me through so much, he gave me peace when we lost Nico, he gave me a son and was giving me another son, he saved us from the fire (that's another story). We had a 3d/4d ultra sound done about 3 weeks ago to see if the diagnosis was correct and to give me an idea of what to expect. Nothing physical has changed, my son still has cleft lip/pallet, but I am at peace. I now know I can handle this situation. I know it will be rough along the way, I know it will be hard trying to feed him, it will be hard seeing him go through many surgeries, but I have peace. I am thankful, he doesn't have down syndrome, heart problems, missing, limbs and many of the other things parents have to deal with on a daily basis. My son Mason is a blessing, and he is still a miracle baby to me. I will help him get through this, I will raise him to be confident, self sufficient, gentle, kind, and to be a productive member of society. God doesn't make mistakes and this is an experience I will learn from and be able to help others. This is all apart of my testimony and what makes me me. I always wondered why Dustin was so tough and rambunctious, now I know its because God made him that way. God knew Mason would need a strong loving protective brother. Yes, I am still praying and believing for something miraculous to happen, but if it doesn't we will be OK. We will still be great parents and love our son just as if there was nothing wrong. He is my baby, we made him.
So I would really appreciate your prayers and for you to be sensitive to this. I don't want people feeling sorry for us, because there is nothing to be sorry about. But it would be great to teach your kids how be kind and loving and to accept and respect others that are different.
xo Chris

Happy Birthday Noah & Alynna

We were able to throw a birthday party for Noah and My niece Alynna. It was the first time my whole family had been together in 3 years :)

Noah Loves woody & my Nieces Alynna & Annalise Love their Uncle Bobo who is wearing the pinata head of wood

All of my moms grandchildren, the on is the bounce house is my cousin Alexander. This is our younger generation

The Birthday Cowgirl Alynna

We had a special visit from Buzz Lightyear, i think Dustin and Noah were the only ones who were not afraid of him :)
Its so amazing seeing my family grow. My borther a great fathers, especially considering they didn't have a father growing up. The cool thing is there was a time when we could not get along, we faught like cats & dogs. So to see that we are now able to hang out and raise our children together is such a blessing :)

More Fun with cousin Noah

We took the kids to the Westminster Mall play area. It is big, clean and full of soft full size toys. the boys loved it. After the play area we put them on the train. Noah and Dustin are natural conductors. I love seeing them happy and enjoying themselves, but I dred when the ride is over because Dustin cries and tries to stay in the train. He now knows how to leave the play area and run right to the train. That boy!

We gave Art and Daniel and Art a break to go to the Angels game. Its been way over 7 years since my brother went to an Angels Game. Cyntho and I took the boys to see Toy Story 3. Noah loved it, this was the 2nd time we tried to get Dustin to see that movie and he actually dd GREAT! After the movie we headed to the Toy Aisle at Wal-Mart. We let them ride the bikes and play in the ball section before heading home for the night.

While Daniel was in town we got to visit with an Ashley, and old friend we grew up with. We went to John's Incredible Pizza. This place is SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!
The food was delicious. Their buffet has quite a few options, some of the stuff is a bit different. Art and Cyntho tried the "Spicy Peanut Butter Pizza". Thye enjoyed it. I don't know about you but spizy, peanut butter and pizza do not sound like a good combo. lol
We all had a great time with all the fun games and ride that were there. Daniel got his butt kicked by Ashley in Guitar Hero :)


Welcome Home Uncle Daniel

My brother Daniel has been proudley serving our county in the USA Navy for the last 4 1/2 years. He was in Guantanamo Bay Cuba for the last year. He came back to the states last last month and was able to visit with us for 2 weeks. we had a great time. The best part was that we spent a lot of time with his son Noah. Noah and Dustin really got to bond!

Me, Art, Daniel, Dustin, Noah and my sister Cynthia, went to Newport beach. We rented a bike a rode around Balboa island. We all had a great thime. the kids LOVED it! Well, I think they loved the Gelato :p

While dustin was asleep we walked down to the water, it was the first time in 4 1/2 years that my california brother had set foot on a beach in CA. He was in heaven. He had a smile the size of Texas. His only complaint is that california water is cold.

By the looks of it, I'd even say my sister had a great time!

Dustin's First Haircut

For those of you that know Dustin, you know he has some pretty funky. It's taken him a year and a half to get about 3/4 of a full head of hair. His sides grow long and curl up. Its adorable but somethings got to give.
Art & I decided it was time to go ahead a get a full hair cut. Art and him rode the bike to the barber shop on beach & 13th. It's actually called Beach & 13th Barber. They do a great job and its only $6.50

Dustin was so brave he did such a good job. He sat by himself and let Peter do his job :)

He was so happy when it was over because he got to eat his lollipop!


Dustin Jacob

We were so thrilled to know we would be having a baby. It was a dream come true! I could not wait to meet our son! I had morning sickness (at night) for the first 3 months, after that things went pretty smooth. At 37 weeks my feet begun to swell, like nothing I have every seen. I went to the Dr. and they found I had protein in my urine. We ran test and my liver enzymes were high. i remember being so confused, like what is going on??? They told me I had pre eclampsia and was free to go home but I would be monitored. Each day my liver enzymes were getting higher. Pre eclampsia can lead to Pregnancy Induced Hypertention. The best cure for pre eclampsia is to deliver the baby. I went to labor and delivery and the Dr. put prolactin gel on my cervix to help induce labor. When I called my mom she was so worried and said "I'll be there tonight". She drove 6 hours from Az to be with me. Thank god! We went to L&D on March 4th for my second does of gel. The Dr. came in and told me i needed to be induced ASAP, because I have pre eclampsia and it could be very dangerous for me and my baby. I was devastated and started crying. I told her " I do not want a C-Section" She assured me I would be ok, and that induction does not always = C-section. I was put on pitosin at 11 am and 23 hrs & 45 min later on March 5, 2009 my son was born!! There is nothing that can explain the birth of a child except for overwhelming love. He was perfect. 8lbs 2 oz. I could not believe I just had a baby :) My Life was complete. We were released fromt he hospital the next day. I started getting headaches and noticed my hands and face were swelling. I looked like Ms. Piggy. I also developed a rash on my feet and hand. I went to the dr. and they told me it was my eczema acting up and the swelling was from the fluid during labor. I gained 27 lbs. during pregnancy and after delivering an 8 lb baby and placenta, I only lost two lbs. I knew something wasn't right. I went to the Dr. again and was sent to labor & Delivery. I was told that I had Pregnancy Induced Hypertention. OMG!!! I thought the whole point of induction was to prevent that. My blood presure was sky high (despite being perfect throughout my pregnancy). They told me I would be admitted and put me on a magnesium sulfate treatment

to prevent brain swelling and stop swelling of my central nervous system. My son was only 4 days old and I had to be seperated from him. I refused to have the treatment and be seperated from my son. They expalined to me that refusing the treatment could be fatal. Art & I were devasted. This was suppossed to be the best time of my life and now it is the scariest. I was only 23 and was hearing the worst news ever. (its not a flattering picture, but it shows how bad I got). I took the treatment. Thank God for my church who kept me in prayer and sent people to pray for me. The treament seemed to work and I was able to go home and be with my family. Imediately my swelling was gone. The rash spread. Turns out I had PUP, a pregnancy rash. Its very atypical to get that after pregnancy as is Pregnancy Induced Hypertention. While I was dealing with all my issues. Art & Nico were dealing with Dustin's jaundice. Jaundice is fairly common with newborns, but when you are going through so much other stuff its not fun. We took Dustin to the Dr. every 3 days to get his levels tested. After 3 weeks of foot warmers and blood draws he was in the clear :). Nico waiting with his baby for his feet to warm so he can get his blood drawn. You can see how yellow Dustin was. The rashed cleared and I was pretty much back to normal. When Dustin was 3 weeks old I became very sick. I thought I had food poinsoning. But it was sooooooooooo painful . I could not keep anything down and my body was is so much pain. Finally one day I was freezing but sweating, when I looked in the mirror I was blue. At 4:30 am I drove myself to the ER and was told I needed emergency surgery to remove my gal bladder because the stones were ripping the gal bladder and the toxins would leak. What.... I have never broke anything, fraftured anything, let alone had surgery. I was so scared!! That also meant I had to be away from my son for 2-4 days. The surgery went well and I was able to return home. I recovered fine and was now able to enjoy my family. My experience during and after pregnancy was not an easy one, but it really strengthend my faith. I am glad I went through all of that because it showed me how great God is. Another name for God is jehovah Rapha, meaning the Lord your healer. He is my healer and has brought me through so much. I know that I will always victorious because the battle is already won!




Update on Jaz & Nico

I know your probably wondering how Jaz & Nico are doing... Well I am so happy to say they are doing GREAT!! Art & I are very proud of their mother. She has worked extremely hard to stay sober and make a good life for her children. Jasmine just turned 8 and Nico will be 4 in December. I can hardly believe they are the same children because they have grown so much. Their mom keeps them active in activities within their community and church. They attend a church that they all really love. Jasmine is an excellent student. She was blessed with brains because she has also been smart. Nico is into all things boys.l His mom says he sometimes drives her crazy. I can relate because that how Dustin is. Its so funny. She even says they look alike, which means the Gomez genes are strong. LOL. I will post pictures soon.

How I met your father

Art and I both grew up in the SGV. We grew up a city apart. We still can't decide where we met first. He says we met at a little place in La Puente. I was there watching a friends band and he pulled up to check them out. He says their was small talk and that was it. Another time we met was about a month later at the Hollywood Paladium for The Rockabilly Showdown. I remember a guy asking me to dance and I was nervous and admitted I did'nt know how. He offered to teach me, and we had fun. But I thought his name was Kevin?.... The time I remember is the 3rd time. We were both at a show and accidentally ashed in his drink. He was livid, and we got in a argument. I was like who is this rude guy!!! Well it turned out that that rude guy was the same kind guy that showed me how to jive, he was also friends with many of my friends. It took me a while to get over what a mean guy he was. But eventually we became freinds, best friends. We always had a great time together and were always hanging out. Everyone, I mean everyone would tell us what a good couple we made, and all that good stuff. We were like yeah right, we are just FRIENDS! Art became a part of my family. They welcomed him with open arms. During a family trip to big bear we really bonded and I think thats when we both realized there was something more between us. When we got home we talked in my parents den and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was afraid it would ruin our friendship but decided to go with it. We lasted a week. Yes one week, 7 days. Our relationship after that was rocky. I soon found out he was addicted to drugs. I was so bummed, because I know what drugs can do to a person and I cared about him so much. He went through some really hard times and so did I. My family would pray for him and offer support. If it wasn't for my parents I would have given up on him. With support from me & my family and God, he was able to quit cold turkey :) It was a rough journey but it's brought us where we are today. he decided to serve God and his live is a 180 from where he used to be. Today he is still my best friend, but he is more than that to so many people. He is one the best fathers I know. He is a great friend and confidant. He is a great husband and provider.

Today my husband has been sober well over 5 years and continues to grow each day into a better, husband, father, and friend. I just love him to pieces. It takes a special person to put up with someone like me and he totally fits the bill. Throughout our 7 years together we have gone through some really rough times and some really wonderful times. But each day no matter what the situation is, is a blessing to me.

Building my family

My son. I just love him so much. Never could I imagine how much I would be able to love one lil boy. He is my sunshine. He is crazy, rambunctious and a total "Boy" but that's just who he is.
As you know, I have always wanted to be a mother. I come from a HUGE family. Seriously, I have 5 brothers, one sister, 8 uncles, 10 aunts and bout 50 cousins. So of course I figured starting a family would be easy. WRONG!!!
There is one person in my family who is barren. She stopped getting her period in her late teens and has never been able to have a child. I just could not imagine that thought. But then that was my reality. Yep, I stopped getting my period at about 18 years old. We did test after test after test and the results were all the same. I would not be able to have a child without help from fertility treatments (IVF) because I was not producing eggs. Ugh. I was crushed. When Art and I were married, we decided we would adopt. He is adopted so what a great thing for us to do. Inside I knew he was hurt, being adopted makes you long for a family of your own 1oox more than the average person. I was devastated, I was his wife and I knew I would not be able to give him a family. My dreams of being a wife and mom were crushed! Meanwhile my my siblings were popping out babies left and right. I was thrilled to be a "Tia" but sad that I would not know that feeling of being mom. Our pastor knew how hurt we were and he told us to have faith. He also told us to Read Isaiah 54 " Sing, barren women, who has never had a baby. Fill the air with song, you who've never experienced childbirth! You're ending up with far more children than all these childbearing women. God says so! Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big!
Ring, Ring, Ring... We get a call from my sister in law in WA. Our niece and nephew have been taken into foster care and she would like us to take them. We talked and prayed about it and decided to try to get the kids to CA. The first condition was we would need to move from our cozy one bedroom to at least a 2 bedroom. So we did, moved next door to a big 2 bedroom 2 bath in May. Our rent went up $500. Within 2 weeks we completed everything we need, background, home study and all that good stuff. Well, we did one of the things God said, we ENLARGED OUR TENT, MADE OUR HOME BIGGER. We finally got them in November. They were tossed around to a new home about every 3 weeks until they came to us. Jasmine was 5, long matted hair, dingy clothes and no joy in her whatsoever. Nicholas (Nico) was a CHUBBY 10 months old with a laugh that lasted days! WoW. Art & I were singing to the Heavens, we were so happy to get a chance to parent. Boy was it hard. Nico has attachment and anger issues and Jasmine was a wounded soul. Our family was great, we loved them, cared for and nurtured them. because we were obedient God blessed us with not one, but 2 children. Our home seemed to be getting smaller with all of the stuff the kids were accumulating. So we moved into a bigger place in Anaheim hills. we were there about a month and I was feeling horrible. I was tired, had headaches, massive body aches and Art said "Babe your pregnant" I was so mad at him because he knew that was impossible. How could he be so insensitive to me? I took a test a it was positive. WHAT!? I was mad a the makers of the pregnancy test because they can't play games on people like that...So I went to the Dr. and took a blood test. Positive. WHAT!? They need to talk with their lab workers, about correctly taking blood test. I just knew it couldn't be. My husband and mom reminded me with a scripture Mark 10:27 (KJV) ...With men it is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible!"
They were right! With God all things are possible and I was PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My niece and nephew were thriving with us, and their mom was in and out of the picture. We heard rumors she was doing ok. Jasmine started having major behavioral issues. Things went from bad to worse and she had to leave our home almost a year to the date from when she came. Nico was another story, that boy was so smart, happy, and just WONDERFUL. He was born a drug baby and thank God he showed no signs of delay, he beat the odds. He was advanced for his age and he loved to learn. Wow, I thought to myself, I have a wonderful son who I have raised since birth and I will be having another son. Life is good. I am a wife and a Mom :)
As time went on we heard Nico may be leaving to his moms, but federal law say after 18 months in foster care a child under 3 needs to be placed in a home for adoption. By the 24 month in foster care that child needs to be adopted. YAY!!! He would be ours. it was already passed 18 months and they told us it was not likely he would be going back we were so excited!!! My miracle baby Dustin was born on March 5, 2009. Nico took pride in being a big brother!! He loved Dustin so much, he looked forward to helping with his feedings, and just playing with his little brother. Nico had such a gentle spirit and Dustin could sense it. At the end of April we received a call saying Nico may be leaving to go with his birth mom because is 24th month in Foster care is up, and they don't want his biological mom to loose custody. Not because she was ready or would be a good parent but because his time was almost up to be adopted. We PRAYED and PRAYED and PRAYED. That somehow God will let us have him. A few weeks went by and we heard nothing. YAY!!! He will be ours! WRONG AGAIN.
His mother would be coming down may 3rd to visit and bond with him for 1 week. Then they would leave May 10th. She came down and he wasn't to happy. You have to know, he was 2 1/2 at this time and had med her a total of may 10 times. he was taken away at 4 months old and moved with us at 10 months. We were his parents and the only family he has ever know. Dustin was just 2 months old, and I was still hormonal. I cried EVERYDAY. I cried when I woke Nico in the morning and when I put him to bed. I was loosing my child. He was mine. I was so angry, I was angry at my husband because he could make him stay, I was angry at the system because they treated him like a pet. I was angry at God because I didn't understand, how he could do this to me. 2 days before he left, I was feeding Dustin and I broke down, I told Nico how much we love him and how he will always have my heart. He took my face in both of his lil hand and said
"No worry bout me mama, I otay" and kissed me.
Wow. That had to have been God, because peace like that isn't natural. We said goodbye on May 10, 2009. 15 days before he would have been ours forever. He grabbed his bag, put Elmo in his stroller and pushed it through the airport doors. What a brave lil boy. Art & I got in our truck and boy did we cause a flood. Our hearts were broken and would never be the same because a 2 1/2 year on a plane to Washington had a big piece of our heart with him.
Wake up call!!! Nico showed us how to be parents. Not many people get the chance to practice being parents, and Nico gave that to us, so we could be our best for Dustin. I am forever grateful to that Lil boy. Today we are still healing but our hearts are not broken and the joy of the Lord is our strength. I have a beautiful son that is mine, and I am pregnant with my second son!!!
God is good!!!


Lets get this started!

Every since I was a little girl, I have dreamed about being a wife and mother! What could be more awesome than caring for, and loving a family you built. I had it all planned out. I would meet a handsome gentleman in high school, we would fall in love and continue to date through college. He would propose to at our college graduation. We would spend a year planning the most FABULOUS wedding ever. It would be a ball, just like in the fairy tales I watched growing up. After we were married a couple of years we would start a family. A boy, then girl, and last a girl. I would have hot and fresh cookies with cold milk ready when my children arrived home from school. My husband would come home to a feast, and our home would always smell yummy! In my life as a wife and mom there would be few things to worry about, aside from making sure laundry was done, and lunches were packed. Life would be a dream :)
That life, that life that I longed for, for most of my life was a dream, it was a fairy tale, just not mine. I didn't marry my high school sweetheart, and I dropped out of college. I was married at 21 in Vegas. I have a son, and I am expecting our second son. I am married to my soul mate, and my best friend. I don't have fresh cookies waiting on the table everyday, but our house smells like a home. It smells of dirty diapers, rash cream, daddy's smelly socks, laundry, somewhere in there you can catch of whiff of a home cooked meal. And yes, we have worries, lots of them, but I am so thankful that I am finally living MY fairytale, the life that I have created.
It is a fun, crazy, hectic, stressful, loving, adventurous life and I LOVE IT!!!
Today I am a wife and a mother, and I am so blessed to be able to stay home and raise my son. I am blessed to have a husband who adores me, even when I look like road kill. I am blessed with a wonderful family and friends who are family.
I hope you will enjoy hearing about all of the things I face as a wife and Mother :)