
Terrible 2's, meet Terrific 3's

Next Monday I will be saying Goodbye to "Terrible Twos" and welcoming in the "Terrific Threes". My precious lil boy is turning 3, this change is happening faster than I ever anticipated. The title of my post was just a title, I don't think the 2's were all terrible. There were definitely trying times , but much more happy joyful, and pleasant times. Over the last year Dustin has developed so much, mentally and physically. He is so smart, strong, funny, kind, silly and so much more.
 His best role yet is Big Brother. Seeing my two boys together warms my heart, it's so weird because they were totally meant to be brothers. Dustin has really softened his tone & touch. It's important for Dustin to be "a good example to brubber (brother)". My baby has step in these shoes that seem so big to be and they actually fit him well. Dustin is very cautious of Mason, he is always helping him and watching his step.

Dustin is also a chatter box, I know exactly where he gets it from. His little mind is a very big sponge and soaks up everything. Sometimes he will sit quietly and you can just tell he is taking it all in. He repeats everything, and I mean everything!

Yesterday I gave Dustin his tools, so he was playing in his room and come out in the living room carrying 2 monster trucks, lightening McQueen & his tool box. He boldly says:

"Hi Mom, these truck are ready to race, but first I need to change the tires"..."Uh oh MOMMY, where are my screwers (screw driver)?...Oh yeah its in my room".....He found his screwers changes the tires and they were good to go.

Dustin has also developed reasoning skills... He may be a lawyer because he thinks he is a pretty good negotiator.
We told Dustin is was bed time and that his tools needed to go back in the room. He trys to put up a little fight then does as he is told. He comes back in the living room with his blankie and sits on the couch crying. I ask him whats the matter and he sobs:
"I'm really berry sad Mommy, I don't want to play with my tewls"...I tell him he doesn't have to play with his told he just needs to go to bed.. "But Mommy, I not berry happy with this" Me "well Dustin what do you want?" "Mommy I just love you and need to be with you and daddy.....PAUSE....and I just want to play trucks and watch cartoons. See that's not bad right Mommy?"

I loved the 2 year old stage because it taught me a lot as a mother. That stage has taught me be patient and more understanding.
I am so excited for this next chapter in our lives. Sometimes being a parent is hard, and I feel like throwing in the towel, but thanks to my husband I am quick to remind my self "It's won't be like this for long"...

To all you parents "This phase is gonna fly by, if you can just hold cuz it won't be like this for ling"

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