
Hi ho Hi ho..It's off to work I go

Sooooooo, as some of you may have heard I have gone back to work. I know crazy right. It’s been so long since I have worked, aside from being, a cook, maid, taxi, girlfriend, referee, plumber, nurse, negotiator, etc. lol To be honest, I was actually excited to begin this new adventure. The process was long and tiring. I knew Art would be off come surgery time so I began aggressively looking for work. I was hoping to find night time work, or a really good part time gig. Fast forward to today and 300 resumes later, I have landed a pretty sweet job. Yes I submitted over 300 resumes. I went on 20 interviews, hired immediately at 1 place, and eventually received 3 job offers. I was really hoping to work at the job I am at now, but it took a while for them to get back to me. So I accepted another offer. It was so hard deciding where I was going to work; I factored in location, hours, pay, benefits, personalities and all that good stuff. I was so torn because I didn’t want to make the wrong decision and have to suffer, in a miserable unhappy environment. When I did hear back from my company I prayed long and hard and decided to decline the previous offer. So now I am where I wanted to be, or where I thought I wanted to be? I don’t know. What I do know is this is a great place; the people are down to earth, chill, friendly so I am definitely digging that. Its not too far, 12 miles or so. Pay is great. Such a flexible company, I know they are more than willing to work with my schedule when it comes to my babies. Hours are great 8:45 to 5pm. So all in all its great. I started second guessing myself a few days before I started. I was literelly making myself sick with thoughts like, “did I take the wrong job” “was this really from God, or was it what I wanted” “Am I cut out for this” What if I don’t fit in” etc. etc. I knew there was no turning back; I needed to the job, so I came in on Monday. Boy was I surprised, everything went so well. I feel so confident with my decision. I get paids lunches, I can order groceries from Trader Joe’s every Monday (free of charge), I get lots of paid holidays, sick time, they even pay us to go to event’s for our children (performances field trips), vacation. Not only is this company great for me, it’s great to our community. We are giving 4 Irvine families $400 for Christmas. To top it off I find out I am getting paid this week, because they don’t feel it’s fair to make new employees wait until the next pay period, while everyone else is paid, can you believe that…AS if not that’s not great enough, I got paid TODAY! Yes, day 3 of the job I get paid for 4 days, when I was only here for two. I mean if this isn’t a sign this is where I am supposed to be, than what it is?

So aside from this being a great place to work, my #1 and main concern was/is my children. My heart broke to have to leave them. Thankfully I found a nice young lady to come to my home to care for them. She is a mother of a 1 ½ year old boy. She was agreed to the pay, hours and agreed to come to my home. I was so nervous the boys would be sad, and I was afraid it would make me leaving even harder. I dreaded the crying child hanging on my leg while I hold back tears and tell him I’ll be home before he knows it. Praise God I haven’t really had that. Sunday Dustin asked if “the lady & her son” are going to watch him. On Monday he was so excited and I didn’t need to leave until 9:10 am so we all were able to hang out. When Art came home the boys were all smiles and didn’t want her or her son to leave. Yesterday the boys were still asleep when I left; again Daddy came home to two smiling babies. Now today today was a hard day. Dustin woke up and said “what are you doing mommy” I told him I was getting ready for work and that I would see him later today. He started crying and said “no, you can’t go mommy, I need you here”. When I didn’t give in said “if you’re going, you better call Daddy to come watch us”. I told him daddy would be home when he was napping and that he was going to story time with his brother & the nanny. Of course he wasn’t satisfied and kept asking me to stay, so then he says “Mommy, it’s really important for you to stay here. You cannot go to work because it’s raining and you will slip and fall like on a banana” LOL I started laughing and crying. Oh, my sweet boy. I prayed for him and reassured him we would be home soon, before I was done he was already cuddling up with our sitter watching sesame street. I have checked in and of course they are fine. I just thought it was so sweet of my son.

Another GREAT thing that makes this easier for me is Art now gets off at 2:30pm so he is home by 3:00p.m. The boys wake up about 8:30/9 eat, play, read, go outside, clean up, have lunch and take a nap at 12:45p.m. Bye the time Daddy is home they are sleeping or just getting up :)

How perfect is this scripture for what is going on in my life “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,..” Rom. 8:28

Don’t get me wrong this is still very hard for me, each day is a struggle, but the fact that everything is coming together really lifts a burden off my shoulders. I am very thankful and grateful! It’s not easy to find a job in these times, and I am so blessed that I have a great job, great nanny, and great family.



1 comment:

  1. Congrats I am very happy for you and your family I am still n the job hunt I pray I am as blessednas you in all areas


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