With the beautiful chaos of our everyday life it's important for YOU (yes you mommy with the mysterious stain on your shirt, droopy eyes and coffee breath) to take some time for yourself. Often times as moms and wives we can neglect to take a moment out for us. A few weeks ago my gal pal texted me saying "I NEED a mom-ment". I didn't realize it at the time, but I too needed a MOMment or two. We met up at a coffee shop, chose the darkest corner and plopped ourselves on a beautiful mid century sofa. We chatted about everything and nothing at all, we laughed and we may have cried. That time was so refreshing to my mommy/wife soul and I was grateful that my beautiful friend reminded me in her need how important it is to have MOMments.
Today while my kids were napping I decided to take a MOMment :)
Hot coffee, imported biscotti and some MOM Parody. These two video will having you saying "yep, that's me". Sit back, have a laugh and pat yourself on the back.